Many echoes go on trying to imitate voices but couldn’t. Many voices go on trying to be heard but failed. Do you know why? They were oppressed. A young lady or man molested has seen the community as the first oppressor and this has lost its case in the local and national grip.
What will the International authorities do?
Some years ago, a young and vibrant lady was raped and the fear of the first oppressors gripped her tongue, twisting it like a curl. She told no one until a similar case happened where the victim spoke out through her mother. Many silent voices are out there dying without iota of hope, wanting their thoughts turn to echoes and the echoes turn to heard voices but failed.
Actions against any form of molestation (Female and Male) should be intense since the issue has been opened to the global roundtable. Women are the source of procreation. They are delicate, sensitive and beautiful. Why not treat them as such?
We all have these voices around us but we are too busy to pay attention to them! It could be anybody at any time hence the need to STAND UP NOW AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You, yes, YOU could be the voice of the voiceless, the vision of the hope lost and the mission of the perspectives not seen.
We have a commonwealth (public welfare, general good or advantages, and common good). Only when we rise up as nations and challenge the evil called “RAPE”, we truly need to bring an end to this scourge. Come to think of it, does rape exist by itself? Many would term it with the devil. Does the Devil now live amongst us? Maybe he does. Now who is the Devil? Justice must be done. These perpetrators must be brought to book and the act stopped. They live amongst us. As free men. No!!!
Stop Female and Male molestations!
Stop Rape!
Make the Unheard Voices Heard!
Break the Silence!
By: Oluyemi A. Olonite