This research work was carried out determine the role of commercial Banks in privatization of government companies in Nigeria.
The topic was chosen to find out how the commercial banks play their roles in the privatization programme.
This research was carried out by using questionnaire and research questions to obtain the information, which is this primary data other information was gotten from secondary data.
Chapter one, will contain a general discussion an the background of the study, problem identification, statement of problems, purpose of the study, Research Questions, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of terms.
In chapter two, we will discuss the meaning of privatization, objectives of privatization, overview of the role of commercial banks in privatization, historical development of government companies, privatization as means of relinquishment of equity hold by the government, commercial banks rules and regulations towards their roles in privatization of government owned companies, role of commercial banks to minimize the intending of foreigners in country’s privatization and basic problem in this privatization process.
Chapter three, deal with research design and methodology, which include methods of research used determine of sample size, selection of population etc.
In chapter four, it will contain collection and presentation of data it will also contain testing of hypothesis and decision-making.
Chapter five, will contain summary of finding’s conclusion on the research and recommendation which will be made by the researcher.
i Title Page
ii Acknowledgement
iii Dedication
iv Proposal
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of Problems
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope And Limitations of the Study
1.7 Definition Of Terms
2.0 Literature Review
2.0 Privatization: Definition
2.1 Objectives of Privatization
2.2 Overview of the role of Commercial Banks in Privatization.
2.3 Historical Development of Government Companies.
2.4 Reasons for Privatizing Government Companies
2.5 Milton Friedan’s Monetarist Idea Test for Privatization.
2.6 Privatization as Means of Delinquishment of Equity hold by the Government
2.7 Commercial Banks Rules and Regulations/Agreement Towards their roles in Privatization of Government Owned Companies
2.8 Role of the Commercial Banks Minimizes the Intruding of Foreigners to Country’s Privatization.
2.9 Basic Problem in the Privatization Process.
3.0 Research Design And Methodology
3.1 Methods of Research Used
3.2 Determination of Sample Size
3.3 Selection of Population
3.4 Sources of Data
4.0 Data Collection and Presentation
Definition Of Data
4.1 Types of Data Sources
4.2 Data Gathering Technique (Primary Data)
5.0 Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
a. Summary of Findings:
b. Conclusion:
c. Recommendations