This work has introduced purchasing as a cost saving function in a manufacturing company. It has endeavored to provide a brief insight to the readers and managers and students and professional men and woman in purchasing and supply management, what purchasing as a cost saving function should internal relationship that leads to understanding and harmony among the various units of the expected goal of the company.
The researcher should not or cannot conclude the introduction with out giving a brief description of one of the companies that is been used in this research. All basic produces Nigeria Limited Umuahia, producers of juice, Bottled water and sachet water is one of the numerous groups of companies owned by Basic Services Nigeria Limited at No: 14 Umuojima Road, P. M. B 1736, Aba, Abia State which is controlled by an overall general manager. The Umuahia factory is the researcher’s area of concentration, at all the types of soft drinks and bottle/sachet water ranging from Viral Sachet Water, Nnela Bottle Water 0.5., 0.7 and 1.5cl
The organization operates the purchasing department as follows.
a) Department A Buying unit
b) Department B Buying unit
c) Department C Buying unit
d) Department D Buying unit
The chief – raw – materials are sugar, water, chemicals, crown corn and lemon. The company started operation in 2002 with a single production line, producing only Vinel sachet water, Nuela bottle water 1.5 and later on, the company added the 0.7 and 0.5 bottle water being the current number of products. The company has depots in every state. For instant in Imo state, the depots are situated at No 2 Mbaise Road Owerri, Achingale Obowo, Isinweke Ihitte – Uboma, e t c. the products are distributed through two types of distribution system, group one are those appointed right from umuahia and are called first class white the second group are appointed by the distributors a second class under normal conditions and all things being equal, the company produces an average of (2) two thousand bags of sachet water per day 10 crates (carton) water per day working on two shifts.
The company is made up of five sections namely,
The production section, accounting section, purchasing Sections, stores section and marketing sections and which is headed by a general manager as the Administrative officer.
The production department is headed by the production manager who plans the production process and controls the Inventory analysis. The work section which is under spare parts manager, performs the following functions
I. Maintenance and founding
II. Laborating and quality control
III. Industrial safety and Auxiliaries departments
The chief accountant is at the helm of affairs and he is popularly called (fm) finance manager who in addition performs the following functions.
I. Plans the financial aspect of the company
II. Plans budget and control
The purchasing officer or the chief purchaser is at the helm of affairs in purchasing section and his activities covers.
I. Management
II. Buying
Follow up / Expediting
III. Strategic planning and Research work
IV. Chemical activities
The person that sees the helm of affairs of the stores unit is the chief stores officer affair. He performs the following activities
a) Holding, controlling and issuing stocks.
b) Control of all store house, materials handling functions
c) Quality control activities
d) Chemical Administration of stores operations.
This section is headed by the marketing manager, who is in charge of sales activities as follows.
I. Plains the marketing and sales of products.
II. Logistics planning and
III. Sales forecast.
The aim of this section is for efficient in this organization. Thus the purpose of operating purchasing is to make sure that materials are bought at the right quality, right quantity, from the procedure is formed the 5RS OF purchasing or the purchasing mix.
i Acknowledgement Sample
Ii Dedication Sample
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Historical Background of the Study
1.2 Purpose of the Study or Objective
1.3 Significance of Study
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Limitations of the Study
1.6. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
1.7 Definition of Terms/Abbreviations
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Technical Skill
2.1.2 Negotiating Skill
2.1.3 Cost Reduction Skill
2.1.4 Quantity Management Skill
2.1.5 Standard Management Skill
2.2 Responsibilities of the Purchasing Department
2.2.1 Purchasing as a Top Management Function
2.2.2 Strategic Planning And Research Work
2.2.3 Buying Wisely
2.2.4 Management
2.2.5 Purchasing for Specific Requirement
2.3 Continuity of Supply
2.4 Selecting Supplier
2.4.1 Geographical Location
2.4.2 Patents, Copyright or Licenses
2.4.4 Differ Sales Service Provided
2.4.5 Preferential Payment Arrangement
2.5.1 Use of Single or Multiple Sources
2.5.2 Supplier Development
2.5.3 Types of Supplier
2.6 Basic Economic Consideration for Purchasing Functions
2.6.1 The Extent To Which It Spends Organization’s Money.
2.6.2 The Extent To Which It Controls Physical Assets.
2.6.3 The Contribution It Makes To Organization’s Operations.
3.0 Research Methodology
3.2 The Research Design
3.3 The Questionnaire Design And Administration
3.4 Sampling And Selection Of Respondents
3.5 Other Techniques Used
3.5.2 Observation
3.6 Primary Data
3.6.1 Data Sources
3.6.2 Secondary Data
3.7 Data Analysis Method
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Presentation / Analysis Of Data And Testing Hypothesis
4.2 Analysis Of Data And Statistics
4.3 Discussion Of The Findings
5.0 Summary, Recommendation And Conclusion
5.2 Summary
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Conclusion
Personal Data Of Respondent