In our society, the state of the environment influences the inhabitants because environment is one of the key determinants of the optimal health or well being. It includes the living and non living things that man have to interact with and which can influence his state of health.
A characteristics which has set man apart from other species has ability to control many aspect of his environment throughout recorded history, people continually struggled to manage their natural environment in order to improve their health and well being. The sanitary code of masses in the old testament which is as sound today as it was when written gave direction to people’s efforts, but it was not until the “sanitary awakening” following the industrial and scientific revolutions that major environmental control progress was made.
There are variables in the environment that may influence man’s health and these include customs food, air, water, soil, chemical and industrial waste, micro organisms and other living things. Whether one will achieve the quality of his life and potentials passed to him by his parents depends to a large extent on his environment. If these variable and not favourably manipulated or controlled, they can cause environmental hazards.
Modern technology and increased out nation have done much to improve man’s quality of life. However, they also brought to manufacturing increased environmental hazards or problems when they are not properly disposed.
So, we intend to study manufacturing and his inter-relationship with his environment. The causes and effects of improper disposal of human waste in the environmenta especially Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu.
Cover Page
Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content
Chapter One
1.1 General Background Of The Subject Matter
1.2 Problems Associated With The Subject Matter
1.3 Problems That Study Will Be Concerned With
1.4 Importance Of Studying The Area
1.5 Definition Of Important Terms
Chapter Two
Literature Review
2.1 The Origin Of The Subject Are
2.2 The School Of Thought Within The Subject Area.
2.3 The School Of Thought Relevant To The Problem Of Study
2.4 Different Methods Of Studying The Problem
2.5 Summary
2.6 Reference
Chapter Three
3.0 Conclusion
3.1 Data Presentation
(Heights Of The Study).
3.2 Analysis Of The Data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusion
3.5 Referene