Design And Construction Of Automatic Phase Selector

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As the growing population of human race widens the gulf between energy supply and energy demand, the imbalance in energy availability sent researchers into excavating for a way of settling this age long squabble. A lasting solution is vested on alternative use of the renewable energy source, a project that is yet to be widely applied. Hence, the continuation of the unsettled yearns for sufficient power. Consequently, the power lines are frequently over loaded resulting to a trip of power by the action of switch gears or by the load shading process undertaken by the distribution authorities. Since it is crystal clear that some institutions such as health related institutions and some other delicate systems should not be allowed to suffer equally with their counterparts, Automatic Phase Selector is used to sustain energy consumption in the time of phase trip. The design of this circuit involves the use of automatic switches but the details of design varies from place to place, time to time and also depends on the type of load involved. This project involves the use of transistor driven relays to affect the change of phase whenever the voltage condition becomes intolerable in the previous phase connected.

Chapter One
1.1 Background
1.2 Aims/Objectives Of The Project
1.3 Relevance Of The Project
1.4 Scope Of The Project
1.5 Limitations
1.6 Target Beneficiaries
1.7 Significance Of Study
1.8 Achievement Of The Construction Of The Project

Chapter Two
2.1 Literature Rewiew
2.2 Effect Of Power Failure
2.3 Equipment Voltage Susceptibility
2.4 System Interactions And Solutions

Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Information Gathering
3.2 Ways Of Effecting The Design And Constriuction Of An
Automatic Three Phase Selector
3.2.1 Phase Selection By Manual Control
3.2.2 Phase Selection By Sequential Logic Control
3.2.3 Phase Selection By Microprocessor Control
3.2.4. Phase Selection By Comparator Control

Chapter Four
4.0 System Design Analysis
4.1. Components Used In The Design And Construction Of The
Automatic Three Phase Selector
4.2. The Design Topology
4.2.1 The Power Supply Block
4.3 Design Of The Circuit
4.4 Work Of Lm 741 Comparator
4.5 Comparator Using Operational Amplifier

System Testing, Recommendation And Conclusion
5.1 System Testing
5.1.1. Testing Procedures And Results
5.2 Problems Encountered
5.3 Result
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Recommendations

Additional information

Dimensions 5 × 68 × 8691 in