Critical Analysis Of The Use Of Financial Report In Assessing Bank Performance

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A Case Study Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc

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A farmer, who plants corps, expects result, similarly to student who sits for examination expects results. The same 5 also true of an investor.
For the farmer, the result might be communicated to him in the form of a bumper harvest. It result sheet or a report card would usually sufficed for a student. However, in the of an investor, the result is communicated through the financial reports.

Financial reports are law to be prepared by every limited liability company; these limited liability companies abound in virtually all sector of the economy.

Every company shall cause accounting records to be kept. The accounting records shall be sufficient to show and explain the transactions of the company and shall be such as to disclose with reasonable accuracy, at anytime the financial position of the company.

In the banking industry, financial reports are of great interest to the general public because the banks directly or indirectly interact with people.

This public interest has caused companies (including banks) to accept social as well as economic, financial and legal responsibilities and has created a consequence, a growing need for the communication of information to account for the results which are of considerable interest a wide range of individuals and organizations.

So, it becomes very imperative for reliable information to be circulated to interested parties which can enable them to acquire an essential knowledge of the way is which companies particularly the bank are performing in relation to the public interest. This fact is further educated by the recommendation of the working party set up in Britain by the Accounting standard committee in October 1974 under the chairmanship of Derek booth man which took a study of the scope and aims of publisher financial statements.

The committee recommended that:
“The fundamental objectives of corporate report are to communicate economic measurement of the reporting entity useful to those having reasonable right to such information”

It is not an over statement when one says that the banking industry is the flume on which the national economy rotates. This mammoth, impact upon a country economy therefore makes it a public affair is everybody in the country has a right to know what such organizations are doing, more so all information, necessary to explain the organization’s activities fully should be provided in the annual reports.
One of the most significant aspects of the information system of business enterprises in an economy is that which deals with the communicate of financial data, especially in describing business profitability and financial position. This information is important because it attempts to partial the economic resources of the enterprises and the financial results, which have been achieved by its management when those resources have been put to use. It attempts to reveal how effective management has been in resources utilization as well as the financial reward available to compensate for risk taken by various suppliers of capital.

Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
Statement Of The Problem
Objective Of The Study
Research Qestions
Research Hypothesis
Significance Of The Study
Scope And Limitation Of The Study
Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
Review Of Related Literature
Historical Background Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc
The Need For Financial Reports
The Composition Of The Financial Reports
The Chairman Reports
The Directors Report
The Auditors Report
The Financial Statement

2.4 Various Users Of Financial Reports And Their
Information Needs
2.4.1 Shareholders
2.4.2 Long-Term Creditors
2.4.3 Short-Term Creditors
2.4.4 Tax Authorities And Government
2.4.5 Employees And Trade Unions
2.4.6 Management
2.4.7 Analysis Advises
2.5 Financial Reporting By Banks
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 The Prudential Guidelines
2.6 Performance Evaluation In The Banking
2.6.1 Efficiency And Profitability
2.6.2 Potential And Actual Growth
2.6.3 Loans And Advances

Chapter Three
Research Design And Methodology
Research Design
Sources Of Data
3.2.1 Primary Sources
3.2.2 Secondary Sources
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Method Of Data Presentation
3.5 Methods Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
Data Presentation And Analysis
Data Analysis Techniques
Test Of Hypothesis

Chapter Five
Findings, Recommendations Ans Conclusions Findings

Additional information

Dimensions 5 × 91 × 9087 in